Tuesday, July 12, 2011

ADV - We are Civil Diplomats!

Diplomat is generally a representative of a country, and mainly works for his own country. Diplomats could also be the one who cares and helps others while indirectly representing their country. In Korea, many volunteer organizations have been very active in overseas for a long time.

COPION members digging the ground for the base of a house. The recent trend of volunteer had changed to educating the people to be more independent rather than by giving money (Source: COPION)

Civil Volunteer Organizations

The word, "Relief Organization" first appeared after the Korean War. A relief organization, World Vision was born in the war-torn Korea 60 years ago. World Vision grew up together with the Korean economy and had witnessed Korea turned into a giving nation from a receiving nation. World Vision Korea is the first and only official cooperation organization which belongs to WEP(World Food Programme).

At present, World Vision Korea is one of the members of World Vision International, which is one of the largest civil international organization in the world. It has about 40,000 staff members in nearly 100 countries. Accordingly, World Vision International obtained the consultative status from UN-ECOSOC(Economic and Social Council)...

Edited until here but do read more at this link

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