Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I was in Jeonju!

I know, I knew. It's late but I have to tell you this. I was in Seoul for a week (8 days 7 nights) so blogging in Seoul was not my priority. hehe. There were so many places to see in Seoul and I will blog about it someday. In this post, it will be about my trip to 전주 (Jeonju) on the 17 and 18 of December 2010.


Most of us, I think, hate history. But to me, I scored exceptionally well in history from UPSR (Kajian Tempatan) till STPM (Pengajian Am), I got A's consecutively ^^ I like history not because of the crazy dates, but because I like story and reading.

I had read many books and so far, the hardest book to read is from the driest of all literature, the literary novels by Shakespeare and Jane Austen (especially Pride and Prejudice) while the easiest were The Reader by Bernhard Schlink and Marley and Me by John Grogan.

In Korea, Jeonju is a cultural village still untouched by modernity. I had been there many times and the most memorable time was when I went there in spring 2009. It was really a sight to behold because that time was my first overnight trip outside of Daegu and in spring, the flowers were blooming and the streams were so refreshing.

I went there in 2009 (in spring), 2010 (during LCIS camp in autumn) and again this time (in winter). The best time to visit is definately spring. Going there during winter was seriously bad. I stayed in Korean Ondolbang (Korean traditional house) and the bathroom was at outside! I woke up early to take a bath but it was so cold that the wet slippers that I was wearing turned into ice! wth.

The bathroom was not insulated too and I pray I will not turn to iceman even before I take a shower :( (PS : When I went there in spring, I had an attached bathroom when I stayed over there). Nevertheless, it was a great experience.

No more in winter :)

To get to Jeonju is easy. Just take bus there. Though there are trains and express buses, I had never try any of this methods. Take a bus from Seoul to Jeonju station, after that you can take the city buses (bus no. 12, 60, 105, 109, 119, 511...) to Jeondong Catheral (There is a pic of the catheral in this post). From there you are free as a bird :) Going back is similar too.

Jeonju is famous for its Korean traditional food. I think most of you will know 비빔밥 (bibimbap) and 김치 (kimchi). In Jeonju, this is the place to try them. Seriously, the bibimbap is delicious, well... maybe because at almost 9 USD for a small bowl, my tastebuds "changed" and the kimchi was great but not as great as the one I tried in Seoul.

Actually, I was there on a educational trip and the best part was that my exam's finally over! So instead of further continuing my endless, hopeless and gloomy prospects of getting good results, a trip to somewhere was a great relief. It doesn't matter whether I am going over to the same places again but the feeling of no more books, no more studies and holiday was fantastic.

Jeonju in winter was gloomy, the ground was slippery due to the ice and not many places to go after dark. But it's way better than doing nothing back in Daegu.

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