Today is my longest day away from home and family. 2 weeks plus. Usually, it's just a week (Sunburst Youth Camp in Singapore) or the normal Red Crescent Annual Camp (4 days 3 nights) annually. Here, experiencing different cultures, different environment and new things to be learned everyday...
Im looking for a place
Im searching for a face
Is anybody here I know
Cause nothing's going right
And everything's a mess
And no one likes to be alone...
카 일 단 진 순
It was now day 5 (or 6?) since i arrived from msia... until now, i still have much difficulties in talking to my room mate, he's a korean. Sometimes, i hope that i would be given another shot in my STPM (A-level).
Though my result was okay, but it's not what that i had expected (i expected to get 4 FLAT!!! lol...) So now, i am in Korea, under scholarship... it was surreal at first (to receive this scholarship) because i received the offer even before my results were out, i thought it was a prank when i received the call from the korean embassy.
Life in the uni was suprisingly interesting. moreover, there were so many places to explore but since i have no basic korean language skills, it was pretty hard. I noticed that there were lots of cc (cyber cafes) around my uni and most (not all...) students, during their free time, play computer games or chatting (ICQ, rarely MSN)! Why??? well, i think the weather here is so cold (between 3~10 Degrees) that it makes everyone more comfortable staying indoors.. No wonder, they have the most broadband users.
Still, i am pretty much lazy to post the pictures of my campus, etc as i have yet to buy the 2-pin socket for my laptop. and i really need my adobe photoshop cd... left it at home again... sigh...
"A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way"
~Here There Delilah~
Miss home so much... hope to be back someday.
"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning" ~Winston Churchill~