Monday, April 11, 2011

Korean Language Program @ Daegu

Hi guys,

I guess, other than my friends, most "visitors" of this blog are interested in learning and knowing more about interesting places in Korea, life here and the culture (Of course through my viewpoint). I believe to learn more about the country is to know the language.

I'll open the door for you :)

Language can open wide range of opportunities if mastered well, a person can listen and understand foreign songs/movies without translation and speak with the locals without fear of misunderstanding and so forth.

When I was in high school, nobody knew that I can speak in Hokkien or the Taiwanese language. Since nobody had ever asked me about my language ability, I did put it to good use sometimes when people were talking about me or friends.

Back then, it was so cool that I can understand every single word they had just said but yet no one knew it.

My university, Kyungpook National University has been for ages the center of Korean language education in Daegu.

My 대학교 or university (shot taken during autumn 2010)

Korean Language Program Overview

This course is designed to offer Korean language instruction to overseas Koreans and foreigners who at least have completed high school. Before instruction starts, students take a placement test for a proper placement.

Experienced instructors in teaching Korean language with at least a master’s degree in the humanities or social sciences will use various audio-visual materials for live education.

In addition, the exploring Korean culture program will provide good opportunities to understand Korean culture.

- 4 semesters per year :
10 weeks of classes, plus cultural activities every semester
- 4 x 1-hour classes per day, 5 days per week :
200 hours of language instruction per semester

Korean Language Courses

1. Classes are taught by experienced instructors and focus are on listening, speaking, reading, writing, pronunciation, and practical and academic skills.

Kyungpook National University during winter 2010

2. Based on the results of the placement test, students will be registered in the appropriate level according to their Korean language proficiency (beginner, intermediate, advanced levels).

3. Class size: around 15 students per class.

4. Cultural program every semester: activities include visiting historical and culturally important places, field trips, plus lots of hands-on experiences.

5. Certificate: A certificate and transcript will be issued to students who successfully complete each semester.

Do read more at this link for the scholarships offered, fees and information.

You are not alone ^^

If you are lonely or bored while in Kyungpook National University (KNU), there are always friends (and me too) who will try and make your time here at KNU be an interesting one. Hope to see you soon in my university~


Marie said...

Hello Kyle,

Nice blog, the dishes on this site are beyond memorizing! You're pretty good with this whole blogging thing, loads of people start and then stop half way, but you've been at it steady!.


By the way, got my mails on hotmail (kyle89)?

Vivi Ana said...


im interested in your blog. hehe. actually there is something i want to know about the korean language classes in your university. is there any korean language class that offers only 10 weeks of studying? which means 1 semester, not 4 semester?

smilingeyes girl^^

kyle said...

thanks ^^ yup, there're classes that offer only for a semester. the korean language courses in my uni are based on level. for beginner, level 1, intermediate (level 2, 3, etc) and so forth. every level is only a semester each so u can come and study at knu. hope it helps~ ㅎㅎ


Zhong said...


Just wanna know if scholarship is available even for a semester? How much is the estimated cost of living in daegu for 1 semester?

Thanks lots! =)

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